Saturday, September 27, 2008

And Then There Was Light

Our lights came back on September 21st at 7:57pm! It was funny though cuz we would forget to turn lights on, and I'd find myself getting the flashlight at night! Seminary and school started back up on Thursday, so Jarom is back in the swing. He's running with the Cross Country team and getting ready for basketball season.

Physical Therapy is going well. Now I get in the therapy pool - that's fun! I can pretty much walk without the cane, but I'm still pretty gimpy and using it helps with that. I've come to the conclusion that my low back and hip muscles are still pretty weak and tha'ts why I'm so gimpy. I'm going to talk to my PT Monday about starting some exercises to strenghthen my back.

Our little Ike refugee (the squirrel) is doing very well. His eyes are not open yet, but he's getting bigger and stronger. He's a cutie!

Our thoughts and prayers are still with all those in Galveston and Houston, and in Cuba and the islands who were hit so much harder than we were.

1 comment:

Sarah Fruge said...

Hey Mom! I just wanted to thank you for taking care of my angel. Please keep her safe. Tell her I love her every day!!