Thursday, September 24, 2009

One Down - One To Go!

I went with Emelie on Monday (20th) to her consult with the surgeon and poof! Her gallbladder surgery was scheduled for Wednesday morning. Dr. Runyon is the doctor - he's awesome - you gotta love him! She came through wonderfully though a little sore and painful. Yahoo for Lortab! She said the most awesome thing was waking up with no nausea and actually feeling hungry.
Sarah has her appointment next Tuesday. I hope they'll do her surgery soon; she is in so much pain every day now. She between a rock and a hard place cuz if she eats she's in pain and if she doesn't her blood sugar bottoms out.
I remember those days. I was thirty when I had mine out. It seems gallbladder patients are younger and younger - a tribute to fast food and unhealthy eating.

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