Monday, August 18, 2008

And The Battle Rages On

Heber called me last night...Ashlei was admitted to the hospital last Thursday to begin Chemo. The Chemo will knock her immune system out so that when they do the bone marrow transplant this Thursday (the 21st) her body will have a chance to develop antibodies to it as opposed to rejecteting it right off. She'll spend at least a month in the hospital, and then she be closely monitored for months afterward.
Last week Heber told me the PET scan had shown some "residual" or "shadow"; they weren't sure what it was, but he told me last night it was definitely still the cancer. It's a stubborn little bugar - still localized, not in the blood or lymph system - but this one little tumor just won't go away. The bad new is that even with the transplant this lowers the statistics for cure.
As discouraging as that new is, however, I personally cannot forget the feelings I've gotten from the Spirit, or the blessings Ashlei has received. Alma taught that faith is not a perfect knowledge of things; that it is something hoped for that we cannot see. So, I continue to pray and be so bold as to ask Heavenly Father for a cure, and I strive to to have the faith to accept His will when all is said and done.

1 comment:

Sarah Fruge said...

Man, that sux... I was so sure she was done with all the crap. She'll get through it though. She's tough!