I talked to Ashlei today for a long time. She is, in fact, having a bone marrow transplant Thursday (not stem cell). They had found two perfect matches - ten for ten - one was in his forties and one was in his thirties; they chose the younger guy. I learned that the donor gets to choose if he/she will donate marrow or stem cells. I didn't know that - interesting. She told me she's on the floor or wing with younger patients. She met a little guy the other day who was not quite three years old. He has some form of Leukemia, but he was doing karate and just being a kid - a real inspiration! The Chemo she's doing right now is pretty strong so she's feeling pretty sick. Heber, Jace, and her mom will be in Houston with her - they'll get there tomorrow night. I wish I could be there too, but with my surgery the next day I won't be able to go. After the transplant she won't be able to see Jace for several weeks cuz anybody under eighteen years old is not allowed. It's a rough and bumpy road, but all will be well.
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