Saturday, August 16, 2008

Welcome To My World

Welcome to my world! This blog is brand new - I messed up my original blog so badly that I just deleted it and started over! Thank you to my daughter Sarah, who has taught me how to make it so much cooler, and who has inspired me to really keep up with it. recent news in a nutshell:
Jarom was in Oklahoma for all of June to spend some time with Heber and to help out with Jace.
Megan missed High Adventure (Girl's Camp Stuff) in June cuz she was sick, but she made it to camp later in the month.
Megan turned eighteen in July (brat!) and both kids had a good time at Youth Conference.
Ashlei is in Houston at MD Anderson. She completed Chemo and Radiation, and is scheduled for a bone marrow (stem cell) transplant on the 21st of this month. They have their house on the market in Oklahoma and we're looking forward to them getting moved there permanently - well, for a couple of years anyways.

I was supposed to have my hip replacement in July, but one week before the surgery I got sick. The morning of the surgery - even with a week of antibiotics - the doctor decided not to do it. He had told me in April that infection in the joint was worse than death! Must be pretty bad. I went crazy that week worrying about whether or not I should have the surgery, would have the surgery, or if I would be well enough. I had lots of fears and lots of doubts. This time around all is well, and though I have fears - I have no doubts. So...the big day is next Friday the 22nd!

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