Saturday, October 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Okay, I've been tagged by my daughter, Sarah. I hope I'm not so un-cool that I do this wrong!
Here are the rules:
1) Link the person who tagged you
2) Mention the rules on your blog
3) Tell six of your quirks
4) Tag six fellow bloggers
5) Leave a comment to let them know
Here is the link to Sarah's blog:
My Quirks:
1) It drives me crazy if a cabinet door, or a drawer is left open
2) Being late (even though I'm always late) I hate it!
3) At work, my cubicle is probably the most organized at the office - I'm really OCD about that. When I worked at the hospital my med cart had to be organized just so too! Funny, cuz my house is NEVER organized!
4) When I take a shower I have to go in a certain order: wash hair, put in conditioner, wash up, then rinse everything - ha ha!
5) When I pump gas it has to end on a whole number so if it goes to $30.02 I have to keep going up to $33.00 - even if I'm bumping the car to fit it in!
6) When I go up or down stairs I have a compulsion to count them. I have to purposefully lose count - crazy, huh?
Hey, this stuff won't be held against us, will it?!
I tag Ron, April, Caryn, Brianne& Janelle (I only have five)

1 comment:

Sarah Fruge said...

You're such a weirdo!! J/K. I do most of those thing too. I guess I take after you, but I don't mind! ;)