Saturday, October 4, 2008

Our Week With Claire!

Riding Fancy with Aunt Megan
"Don't drop me Uncle Jay!"
Playing with Grandpa Kenneth's dog, Ruby
Feeding the baby squirrel his bottle
Driving the golf cart

I don't know if I can even express what a wonderful week we had while Claire was staying with us. I know she's our precious grandbaby, but honestly - we're not predjudiced! She was SO SWEEEEET, and so good. One day when her mommy called she asked me if I had to put her in time out...uh...NO! I told Sarah that I had actually not even thought about it! She played and sang, and charmed us from sun-up to sun-down. Thank you so much to her mommy and daddy for letting her stay with us! Claire, we love you SO MUCH! What does Gammy say? That's right, "Love you Punkin!!!"