Friday, September 12, 2008

Ike's A Bad Boy!

Just two weeks ago we evacuated due to the threat of Hurricane Gustav. I felt peaceful about that whole thing, but as I watched the weather channel and heard about Ike I had a feeling...

So, here we are anxiously awaiting Hurricane Ike's arrival. We didn't get the word to evacuate this time, so it's been a tough decision: should we go to Heber's house again, should we go some place else, should we stay in Odomville, or go to the church in Woodville? I don't know!!! I've done a lot of praying - asking Heavenly Father's advice (who would know better?), and the decision was made to stay in Odomville - over at my dad-in-law's house for the night. I guess this is where the faith kicks have faith in that peace that the Spirit whispered to me when I prayed and told Heavenly Father my decision and asked if it was right. I have been earnestly praying that Heavenly Father would temper the storm; I couldn't bring myself to pray that it would go some place else. Last night as I was praying about it the words to a hymn came into my mind: "The winds and the waves shall obey my will; peace be still, peace be still..." So far Ike has stayed a category 2; I'm still praying (I know a lot of people are) that he has gotten too close to the coast to pick up any more strength. We'll see...

Milton will be staying up at the prison for however long they need him to stay there, and Kevin & Sarah went back to Temple which is just above Austin. They're in the same motel they stayed at when they evacuated for Gustav.

I'll be glad when it's over.

1 comment:

April said...

We're praying for you too! We love all of you and we can't believe that two hurricanes have hit you since we left on August 24th for Utah. I know He will take care of ya'll. Yay, I said ya'll. lol