Saturday, September 20, 2008


So...we're still "roughing it" - I say that in quotations cuz though we still do not have electricity here at one week post Ike - we do have the generator! Everyday we watch TV, do laundry, run the fans, get on the internet, etc. Our generator was the best investment I think we've ever made. We didn't use it for three years, but now when we need it, it has made our lives so much easier.

Our little squirrel is doing very well! As a matter of fact the little guy is thriving! He squeals - very loudly - when he's hungry, he crawls all over the place, and we've had to move him into a bigger box cuz he's so active! It may seem like a little thing, but we prayed the little guy would make it. We're thankful to Heavenly Father for blessing us with this little joy!

I started back to Therapy yesterday. I missed a couple of visits last week cuz my leg and foot swelled up quite a bit. I got worried about clots, but I went to the doctor and it was just normal post-op stuff. Then this week I missed cuz of the hurricane. The first thing I told the therapist yesterday was that I didn't want to use the walker anymore. I'm ready for the cane! He had me walk with the cane a little bit yesterday and then when I got home I borrowed one from my dad-in-law and that's what I'm using! I still use the walker at night and if I go to Wal-Mart or something - mostly for safety. My goal is to get back out on the road walking like I used to.

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