Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life After Ike

We're not quite forty-eight hours after Ike's arrival, and life really isn't too bad. We still have water and phones, but no electricity. There's no telling when we'll have that back - we'll hope for within a week and plan on within about three weeks.

We are blessed to have a generator, and we stocked up on gas right after Gustav. It's really nice to crank it up and watch TV, get on the internet, run some fans, and keep the freezer and fridge going. Things seem almost normal. At night we all pile up in Megan's room where there's a window unit and we sleep very comfortably!

Milton is still at the prison - I haven't talked to him yet today. I'm sure he's staying busy there! They had to take an inmate to the hospital last night; usually they take them to Galveston, they took him over to Jasper which is a little town about thirty miles east.

I'll get some pics posted soon.

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