Sunday, September 21, 2008

Trials and Blessings

We're told in the Doctrine and Covenants: "...after the trials come the blessings..." I think sometimes it's reversed and after the blessings come the trials. During and after Ike we were so blessed: the storm was tempered (I believe), there was no major damage where we live, we have our generator that has made our lives so much easier, no harm or injury, a cool front right after the storm blew through, etc, etc, etc.

Now, eight days post Ike we still don't have lights while those all around us do. Even harder hit areas have their lights back on. Also, the cool front has left us and the weather is a little bit harder to handle. We long for the regular routine of our lives - though I think Jarom is enjoying being out of school - and sometimes there's an emotional toll after the fact.

I've been thinking the last couple of days how easy it is to be thankful and cheerful when all is going well, and how easy it is to see the blessings of the Lord when they are right in front of us. What will my attitude be now? Will I complain about the humidity or the fact that we still don't have electricity? Will I stress and worry and cry over things that I have no control over? Now comes the test of my faith and trust in the Lord. Now I will see and He will see what I am really made of.

I pray that I can still see clearly all the blessing that are still right in front of me though maybe now a bit clouded. I pray for faith and trust in the Lord that He takes care of me every moment anyway so why not now? I have never been more sure that every breath, every heart beat, every moment of time is a gift from Heavenly Father, and I can do nothing without Him, and without the atoning sacrifice of my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Today we went to church and just had the sacrament. Nothing else - an opening prayer, the sacrament, a closing prayer. It was probably the most spiritual meeting I've been to in a while. What a blessing to have the gospel of Jesus Christ! We are blessed and all is well!

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